Happy tails 2020
Ginger/Poppy - Happy Tails to Ginger, now known as Poppy! Ginger was transported to one of our rescue partners in. Her adopter shared, "When I adopted her at the end of April she was a shy, timid girl who rarely wagged her tail and barked fearfully at everything, the poor thing! She has since come out of her shell and is a happy, super sweet pup who is adored by everyone who meets her. Thank you for rescuing her and giving her a second chance at a forever home. She has brought so much joy to my life!" Congratulations to Ginger/Poppy on your furever home! |
Cassie - We love happy tail updates! Meet Cassie, a domestic short hair cat who found her way to a high-kill shelter, slated for euthanasia. Cats are especially difficult to place due to the sheer number needing help and limited space and resources. But, it was a great day for Cassie! Cassie was rescued and adopted out and look at her now! From scared and lonely, on the brink of being put to sleep in the shelter, to a warm, comfy furever home. Look at her, stretching out, relaxed and content, as if to say, "Thank you for rescuing me! Thank you for adopting me!" Happy tails, Cassie! |
Ramsey - Ramsey, a Malinois, found himself in a high-kill, rural shelter in Missouri and was rescued and transported by Quincy K-9 Connection to our rescue partner Underdog Railway Rescue. We are so happy to share that Ramsey has found his perfect furever home with an experienced dog trainer. Happy tails, Ramsey!! |
Cali, Cleo, Stamper, & Bo - Cali & Cleo (fka Granola & Louise), Stamper, and Bo were 4 of several kitties we transported to our rescue partners on July 18th. These four went to Romeoville Humane Society where they all got good and healthy and were adopted into awesome families. Cali & Cleo, 2 bonded, tortie sisters, are bound to provide lots of cuddles and even more "tortitude" to their doting family. Reports also tell us that Stamper and Bo are VERY happy boys and are extremely loved by their adopters. We love these kind of updates!!! |
Millie - This little cutie was on our June 6th transport. We received this news on July 20th: ❤️❤️❤️ "We made Millie's adoption official last night. She had some masses on her that we removed and were waiting to make sure she healed up before doing her adoption. We put her straight into a foster to adopt family when she arrived and they fell in love literally the minute they met her. Who wouldn't? She's been the best little girl and they are taking such great care of her. Spa days, floating on the river that their home backs up to, car rides." 🐾💙🐾💙 |
Daisy - We received this good news on 7/14/2020: "Daisy was adopted today. To a wonderful retired couple with a beautiful fenced in backyard and home a lot. They are totally in love and can't wait to spoil this sweet girl. It was tough for her foster home to give her up and she was almost a foster fail. Thanks for sending this sweet girl to us!" Thank YOU New Start Dog Rescue of Illinois for welcoming this pretty girl with open arms and finding her the perfect home. |
Harper, Trixie, & Petey - Harper - "I am sending a pic of one of the 8 puppies that I was fortunate to get from you last July. This one is named Harper and was adopted by a co-worker of mine, so I get to see her once in a while. Thought you would enjoy seeing some of the success stories you helped to create." -Jerry, Heart of a Border Collie Rescue Trixie (fka Speckles) - Trixie was adopted by the neighbor of Karen from K9 Lifeline Rescue, Inc. (Make sure to read the letter for Trixie's little girl!) Petey - Forever Home Dog Rescue sent us this picture to let us know Petey had found the perfect home. Oh, how we love to see happy endings for our bully mixes!! |
April & May - We transported the sisters, April and May, early in May. We are so happy to know they have been adopted together!!!! ❤️❤️ This is the message we received from their adopters: "We recently adopted 2 kittens from the Hinsdale Humane Society They included your contact info in our adoption paperwork. It’s been almost a month since we brought April and May home and we could not be more in love with them. They are a perfect fit for our family and made themselves at home instantly. We are a family of 5 including 3 kids (12 yo, 10 yo, and 6 yo). Here’s some pics!" Thank you for reaching out to us Staci! Please give April and May our love. 😘 |

Jack -
Quincy K-9 Connection had the pleasure of transporting Jack, the Doberman, to Lost Cove Animal Sanctuary on 2/15. Jack is a friendly, but shy guy. We don't know about you, but we think he looks A LOT more comfortable in his new home then at his original shelter.
Good boy Jack!!! Enjoy your soft bed and plethora of toys.

Sawyer (fka Bow) -
This friendly, handsome guy was found in the road. Although being impounded, he remained friendly and his disposition shined bright. On February 29th, he became a passenger on our transport and was welcomed by Bonafied.
We received word in March that Bow (now Sawyer) had found his forever home and is soooooo LOVED!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Make sure to check out this video!! Sawyer has his own personal spa attendants.

Alaska (fka Kara) -
Every now and again we will get a comment on an "older" post from someone who has adopted one of our previous passengers. This is where this update originated from.
"Number 10 is my alaska formerly Kara. Thank you for all that you do! I keep wondering how such an amazing and sweet dog ended up in her situation.... she’s living it up, loving to cuddle and sleep on cozy things, playing with her new sister, and enjoying long walks and doggie park adventures. She will be cherished for the rest of her life thanks to you Quincy K-9 Connection - Animals in Need of Rescue, Quincy, IL"
Your comment, Shiann, made us smile. Thank you so much for the update!! ❤️🐾❤️

Bandit -
We helped this fella out in late January/early February. When his original people retired and traded their home for an RV, Bandit went along on the new journey. Unfortunately, he had a hard time with the change. Fortunately, we were able to find him placement with Underdog Railway Rescue. He was transported into their care on February 1. In mid-February we received confirmation that Bandit had been adopted. He has his own kids that he adores and he is getting use to Dad.
From these pictures, it's pretty clear he is VERY loved!!

Reese (fka Clementine/Daisy Mae) -
This pretty girl was a passenger that captured peoples' hearts all along her journey. How she ever became an unclaimed stray escapes all our imaginations. This is what her furever home says about her:
" . . . I did want to let you know that of course we would like to keep that little jewel (I just bought her a coat that looks like its Burberry and a pink collar-I've never had a girl dog before!). You will be happy to know that she has not had an accident in the house, she hasn't gotten into the garbage, and hasn't stolen anything off the counters. How could we get this lucky? I have not found one black and tan hair in my house. She is silly but respectful and so very loving. I think we are going to make many memories with her. We named her Reese like the candy bar. It will be her forever name. Thank you so much for rescuing her."
Good job Reese! Keep on charming Girl!

Dollar -
In late August last year, we helped SEVERAL shelter kitties get second chances. Dollar, pictured here, was one of those kitties. At that time, he was an unclaimed stray, around 3 months old. Just recently, his forever mom, Paige, reached out to us with the following update:
"He’s happy and healthy and has two big sisters! He plays all the time and is a big cuddly, weirdo"
Good job Dollar!! Keep being a weirdo Buddy.

Shadow -
In early April of 2019, we reached out to Heart of a Border Collie Rescue about Shadow, an unclaimed stray in our shelter. Thankfully, they answered our plea and drove to Quincy to get him along with another dog for another shelter. About a year later, we received the following message from Shadow's forever mom:
"I do not know the life Shadow had prior to HOABCR, but I am grateful for the role your rescue played in his journey to me. Shadow came for our initial “meet and greet” on May 3rd of last year, and has been home ever since. Since day one Shadow has been sweet, intuitive, smart, and polite. I have watched him grow to also become a silly, loyal, clever, confident, happy, VERY good boy. Shadow’s future includes therapy dog certification, lots of furiends, adventures, treats, snuggles, and a furever home with his furever girl. I know you asked for just a photo of him, but I simply couldn’t decide which to send. Thank you for the good your organization does, and thank you for my best friend."
Thank YOU Dana for the seeking us out to deliver your message and your AWESOME pictures!! We simply cannot express how much we love this!! 🙏🏻💗🐾
In early April of 2019, we reached out to Heart of a Border Collie Rescue about Shadow, an unclaimed stray in our shelter. Thankfully, they answered our plea and drove to Quincy to get him along with another dog for another shelter. About a year later, we received the following message from Shadow's forever mom:
"I do not know the life Shadow had prior to HOABCR, but I am grateful for the role your rescue played in his journey to me. Shadow came for our initial “meet and greet” on May 3rd of last year, and has been home ever since. Since day one Shadow has been sweet, intuitive, smart, and polite. I have watched him grow to also become a silly, loyal, clever, confident, happy, VERY good boy. Shadow’s future includes therapy dog certification, lots of furiends, adventures, treats, snuggles, and a furever home with his furever girl. I know you asked for just a photo of him, but I simply couldn’t decide which to send. Thank you for the good your organization does, and thank you for my best friend."
Thank YOU Dana for the seeking us out to deliver your message and your AWESOME pictures!! We simply cannot express how much we love this!! 🙏🏻💗🐾
Orion & Phoebe -
Orion & Phoebe (fka as Oreo & Peanut) became homeless when their mom passed away and their dad had to go to assisted living. Quincy K-9 Connection stepped in and reached out to Underdog Railway Rescue who opened their arms to welcome the two. In early March, Orion & Phoebe tried really, really hard (with the help of volunteers Anita Hanson, Summer, & Kayla) to be brave as they boarded our transport van. With the help and patience of our entire transport team they eventually made it safe and sound. ❤️🐾❤️ Just a week later, we have received this update from our contact at Underdog Railway: "So far so good with Orion and Phoebe (Oreo and Peanut) in their new home, TOGETHER! I'm pretty misty about it myself. I did not post them as a bonded pair even though it soon became evident that they were bonded. Nevertheless, they got three inquiries seeking to adopt both. This couple was the first to get their application in, and they said they had wanted two dogs and decided to adopt a bonded pair now that they have their own home." |
Bella (fka Lyric) - This cutie patootie was transported by Quincy K-9 Connection on this year's very first transport. She is now in a loving home. This is what her humans have to say: "She has been adapting to her new house very quickly. Bella enjoys long walks in the snow during the day . . . we make sure to take her out at least twice a day for her to explore the cold cold world. There is a dog park down the street from where we live ... Bella LOVES going there often. After her first visit to the dog park, my husband had to carry her all the way home because she didn't want to leave her friends at all. She is so adorable. She already made so many human and doggie friends all around the neighborhood!" Good job Bella! ❤️❤️❤️ |
KiKi - We transported the stunning KiKi to one of rescue partners on our first transport of 2020. KiKi was shortly thereafter introduced to her new forever family. This is what our contact sent us: "Thank you so much for sending Kiki to us Anne. She is an amazingly sweet girl. And they are so much in love with her already. She will have the best life ever with this family. I spent the afternoon with them and Kiki quickly made herself at home." Atta Girl Kiki! 💖 |
Lady & Angel- Lady & Angel (fka Missy & Sissy) were two unclaimed strays we helped in November 2019. After we transported them, they were placed in a foster home where they made it their mission to stay. Early in January 2020 we received notice that their foster home was indeed adopting them and that they'd be starting therapy dog training soon. In this picture, they are just outside a hospital. Good job girls, mission accomplished. 🐾❤️🐾 |