Thank you to our contributors! Teresa Connors - "In honor of Anne H. Thank you for all that you do for the animals." Tina Smith, Elizabeth Heckenkamp, Megan Bailey, Deborah Pruett - "In memory of “Dudley”, Cathy Bodine, Carol Boyer, Gary Emery, Pamela Root, The Key of A (Anne Jansen) - "In honor of the three pets I’ve lost in this last year, Carrie and Abbey, my dogs, and my beloved cat, Bitzy (Mr. Bitz)", Veronica Gillis, Robert Kashmer, Ginny McMains - "In Memory of Maisie, Klancie, and Mac", John Reilly - "To support the efforts of Marilyn Lading", Origami Owl - Chassidy Schroder, Melinda S Madison - "One star for my sweet dog Maggie, and one for my sweet kitty Ivy that I lost last year. ", Valerie Hiley - For my good friend Anita Hanson, Jonalee Mikesh, Donna Burke, Donna Evans, Troy Ulry, Marilyn Lading, Amy Pieniazkiewicz - "In honor of Anne Heckle. She is the star for these pups", Mary Jo Hunt, Lisa Hanisch - "Merry Christmas from Dylan the tripod you rescued in September of 09", Carrie Nutter